Ride on or pedestrian rollers of all sizes.
This course will provide you with the basic skills, knowledge and information to safely operate a Ride on Roller.
Call today to discuss which scheme best suits your requirements.
Rollers are extensively used within the construction and ground care industries, however these machines need to be operated by staff that have attended and passed an appropriate accredited roller training course.
Basic Training 4 Days/Existing operators 2 Days/Refresher Training 1 Day
Relevant Legislation
Roles and responsibilities
Identify main components/ functions/operating controls
Basic control techniques
Daily Inspection
Manoeuvring: steering
Routine adjustments and how the road roller works
Roll to a kerb, a camber, round curves and to any formation shape required.
Methods of rolling compacting all types of road making materials
The principles of compaction
Rolling techniques
Rolling formation
Finishing coated tarmacadam and asphalt surfaces
Theory Test
Practical Test